Tuesday, January 15, 2008

First day of raw

So today is the first day of the rest of my life. I must say that Angela Stokes will have to be my main inspiration; she is awe inspiring, her energy is awesome and I hope one day to meet her in person.
I have juiced on and off for years and have been raw for 2 weeks at a time...the weight was dropping, my energy was high, I remember my husband looking over at me and saying " I want some of that"! Now you would think that would be enough to keep me going, but the aromas of carbs were right around the corner, that is right, " Hi my name is Celissa, I am a Carboholic"!! So it is an addiction just like drugs and alcohol. My daughter gets frustrated with me, because she knows that I know exactly what to do...I have all of the books..and some videos...but now I must, or my life will be over way before I want!!!

Even though I have been studying and researching raw for over 6 years...yes..I said it 6 years....wish I could of been like Matt Monarch ( Angela's fiance') and just when I discovered raw..the very next day would just do it..knowing that is what I need to do. But I chose to keep torturing myself with the SAD way, gambling my health away, diagnosed with Type 11 Diabetes ( that word makes my skin crawl, I feel like my lips purse when I say it and my eyes get all squinty) this is why I usually say that I have high blood sugar. Moving right along, I will give my personal details now. Just turned 48 and became a grandmother for the first time on Oct. 6th to my sweet baby grandson Ryder. My beautiful daughter Holly birthed him natural, she is my new hero. And he is most definitely my new inspiration. Of course my sweet 17 yr old son Ryan and my daughter are my inspiration too...but this health transition has been a long time coming for me...I have been gambling my health with this SAD ( Standard American Diet ) way to long, just ask Holly & Ryan they have had an overweight Mom all of their lives. Now that my grandson is here , and I have this nasty American Medical Association dx...it is time to become the warrior goddess that I am.
So today I had :
4 oranges
lots of water ( will measure tomorrow)
salad for lunch w/ not raw dressing & not raw crackers will do better tomorrow, my body let me know too, my throat started itching
raw chocolate/coconut shake

before I go to bed, I am sure I will indulge in 2 more oranges and more water. :) must drink our water. Now since I am sick with pnuemonia I am at this time not exercising, as soon as I am well, I will begin exercising on a rebounder and i will be ordering POIs from Angela @ www.rawreform.com

In love, truth and light, Celissa